Zombie police

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then rose from the ground and stood on the crown of the tall broad-leaved tree in front of him in an instant.

"I can't tell you more." The middle-aged man blinked, "I can only say that the girl has a lot to do with the big leader of the previous generation.". The reason why the head of the family suddenly changed his mind should be influenced by the Presbyterian Church. Is it related to the previous generation of big leaders? Liujiao Imagawa's heart moved slightly, and in his mind, a short, thin and pitiful figure quickly emerged. But even if it is the daughter of the previous generation of big leaders, a little girl who has lost her father's protection, it is not worth looking at at all. After secretly shaking his head, a cold look appeared on his face and he moved his eyes from the foot of the mountain to the horizon: "Alas, I thought I could do a secret private thing for the head of the family, but now it seems that it's obviously a trip in vain." Leave After waving his hand and glancing at Liujiao Imagawa, the middle-aged man jumped down to the other side of the hill. All right, Elder. With a respectful answer on his face, he finally took a look at the stone building hidden in the woods not far from the foot of the mountain, and then jumped down the hill. On the top of a mountain more than three thousand meters high, Chen Zhifan closed his eyes gently with the sound of his robe. Spiritual thoughts, like invisible transparent threads, cover an area of tens of kilometers in an instant. His breath spread out like a clear spring in the mountains, and after a few seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes. Shit, I finally saw a living person. Well, whatever, go and ask first. After a flash of gray in the depths of his eyes, a young man gave a light sound in his mouth, and then his whole body suddenly turned into a light smoke, drifting towards a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides more than ten kilometers away. Now that he knew that Haruko was all right for the time being, he was not in a hurry, so it took him five minutes to come to the mouth of the valley. The whole valley is in the shape of water drops, with an area about the size of ten football fields. Inside, the trees are faint and the water vapor fills the air. Occasionally, the sound of birds chirping can be heard. And on Chen Zhifan's way, in the sky 200 kilometers away from the valley he found in a straight line,4 person jacuzzi, more than a dozen helicopters, big or small, were putting on a threatening posture and buzzing towards this side. In the cabin of the smallest brand-new helicopter, Akiyamahara glanced at Naoki Fujita and said in a worried muffled voice, "Master, do you think we can still make it?" Chapter 896 of the main text squeaks. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and more than ten helicopters of different sizes are buzzing over the top of the mountains. In a helicopter in the middle, Takeo Ogo withdrew his gaze from outside the cabin and turned to Akiyamahara, nodding and saying, "Whether it's too late or not, we must follow our master's footsteps." As the breath of his body flashed by, he straightened his chest with bursts of orange light rolling in his eyes: "Be sure to remember that we are the knife in the master's hand, where the blade is, at least in Fusang, any enemy will be killed by us!" Akiyamahara and Naoki Fujita, with their black eyes, jacuzzi bathtub manufacturers ,outdoor whirlpool, hung their heads and answered, "Yes, master, we are all the sharpest knives in the hands of adults!" Almost at the same time, the man holding the handle of the knife, like a light smoke, had fallen gently in front of the valley surrounded by mountains. As soon as he landed on a piece of grass covered with dark green and ankle-deep, Chen Zhifan threw a little spiritual thought into the valley. After a few breaths, he frowned slightly, then shook his figure and floated straight into the valley. In the discovery just now, the layout of the valley, which covers an area of about ten football fields, has been very clearly presented in my mind. But to Chen Zhifan's disappointment, although the valley area is quite large, there are only ten people living in it. Among them, there are four old people between seventy and eighty years old, five middle-aged men around forty years old, and the last one is a little girl who is only eleven or twelve years old. Such a combination is said to be a big family, but obviously the gender composition is not right. The only reason is that this is a settlement where an organization or force lives in seclusion in the mountains. And this organization, or force, is very likely to be the target of his search: the Koga Ninja Group. Of course, yes or no, just ask. Breathing, a young man, who was more than ten meters deep in the valley, murmured in his heart, suddenly paused and stood under a broad-leaved tree with thick waist and brown bark. Looking around at the wild scene of shady trees, green grass and fragrant flowers, he finally remembered that he was an outsider, whether it was one of the strongholds of the ninjas in Koga or not, the basic courtesy of being a man should be slightly followed. So, after pondering for a moment, Chen Zhifan took a breath of the fresh air in the valley, then rose from the ground and stood on the crown of the tall broad-leaved tree in front of him in an instant. Standing on a branch as thick as an adult's thumb, he held the top of the tree with one hand, and then raised his breath to a group of wooden houses hidden in a dense forest in the center of the valley and shouted, "Is there anyone?"? If not, just squeak. Shout like thunder, in a few seconds, in the valley on the wanton shock to open, and then hit the mountains around the valley, and quickly produce echoes, reverse transmission over. Suddenly, the quiet and peaceful atmosphere in the valley was completely broken by the echoes. Under the rolling clear sound, countless frightened and screaming birds of all kinds suddenly rose over the valley. Accompanied by a series of clear, sharp or melodious calls, birds of different colors flapped their wings and ran towards the mountains outside the valley. After a while, he watched a bird with a red beak and white feathers and a short tail, chirping and chirping, flying past the sky not far from him,endless swimming pool, and then in a twinkling of an eye, Chen Zhifan flew out of the valley, his face gradually showing a faint smile. monalisa.com
